Apple Music skipping all songs


So I've noticed this over the last week or so. Where if NextDNS is enabled, Apple Music just skips every song in the playlist, but as soon as I disable NextDNS, Apple Music starts working as intended again.

I only use Steven Black and oisd lists. Anyone else having a similar issue, as its really annoying.

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    • User
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    General recommendation: Enable logging for like 1 hour. Then everytime you have issues, check logs for blocked domains, and if you deem one of them to be related to a service you're using, whitelist it and retry (Recommended to flush your DNS cache, exit the application/clear cache or on PC do ipconfig /flushdns (Windows only))

    The NextDNS team does not monitor every single blocklist, some blocklists add false positives which you can report to their GitHub repos (or GitLab, whatever the author of a blocklist uses) and meanwhile manually whitelist the domain,


    This takes quite some effort but with stricter blocking, you'll need it more often than not.

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  • 2 yrs agoLast active
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