HaGeZi Lists and hBlock are added.

I was checking the filters and just saw that the HaGeZi filters that were requested and hBlock is added.

I remember that a lot of people were asking for it and I'm going to test it out to see how it compares to OISD.

I wanted to share it with everyone else so everyone can try it out.

51 replies

    • Hey
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    As a quick update on HaGeZi filters the Pro one seems to be quite good but still has some FP's like Lightswitch05 and 1HostLite.

    Normal seems to be close to OISD in terms of pure compatibility, I'm going to try running both OISD and HaGeZi Normal to see if I see anything in terms of False Positives but quite an amazing filter, now the second filter in the lists to focus on compatibility.

      • Pro Subscriber ✅
      • Jorgen_A
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Ha Ge Zi 

      Tested the blocklists for about a week now...

      The PRO++ is the right level for me. Had to whitelist "insideruser.microsoft.com", but nothing else in my whitelist.

      The PRO was a bit too light and ULTIMATE broke some of my Google/Nest devices.

      • Hey
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Ha Ge Zi I've found a domain that OISD wasn't blocking (at the time) but now they block it too haven't investigated it too much but it's (api.storyly.io) it's used in the Turkish Airlines app, it's basically mini self advertisements such as currently deals and general information about their Miles system and discounts and such.

      I can't say it's worth allowing as I've looked at the Storyly site and they do talk about serving ads through their system.

      So my initial reaction was yeah this is a FP but now they're blocking it too so I've became 50/50.

      • Pro Subscriber ✅
      • Jorgen_A
      • 1 yr ago
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      Ha Ge Zi I saw that the domain geller-pa.googleapis.com was blocked and remembered it from when I had issues before with firmware-updates and device drop-outs. Also some "firebase-domains" was causing issues if I remember correct. I can try activating the ULTIMATE for a while and see how my Google/Nest devices likes it now in 2023 :-)

      • Pro Subscriber ✅
      • Jorgen_A
      • 1 yr ago
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      Ha Ge Zi I will try to... Also seeing device-provisioning.googleapis.com is blocked now by ULTIMATE and remember that made issues with drop-outs before.

      • Hey
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Ha Ge Zi Welp, I'll be switching to your Pro filter now because OISD has a false positive that your filter doesn't.

      Thanks for the extremely quick fix for the FP's that were mentioned by us. It's great to use NextDNS with a filter that's as stable and as compatible, hopefully for years to come.

      Thank you for all the work that's put in the filters, it's a great to have a DNS provider that's extremely stable and just works with your filter that has the same behavior, a perfect match.

      • LazJedi
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Ha Ge Zi hi, discords.com false positive. This site is trusted, lists Discord servers.

    • Chris.6
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    I'm using HaGeZi PRO++ without any issues. It blocks twice as much as OISD, with no increase in false positives. OISD itself uses the HaGeZi whitelist (among others) to make itself better, so there will be a big overlap in that whitelisted entries are very similar in OISD and HaGeZi. 

      • Rikkert
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Chris Correct, when I analyse an export of the logs, OISD blocked only 1 url HaGeZi didn't (eu-mobile.events.data.microsoft.com). I'll check again in a week,

    • mima
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    I really like the HaGezi lists. 

    I use the Ultimate-List and I don´t need any whitelist...until now:

    When I open o2online.de , the whole site is just text and some wrong placed images. Normally I will find the "bad" entry in my protocol in my NextDNS account, but this time I failed. Maybe someone here can identify the problem.

      • Pro Subscriber ✅
      • Jorgen_A
      • 1 yr ago
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      Michael I tried it and see that static2.o9.de is blocked in the log. Guess that's where their resources are stored.

      • mima
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Jörgen @hagezi Whow, that was fast. Thank you both a lot 👍

    • mima
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Another one:


    I‘ve whitelisted „consent.cookiebot.eu“ but the cookie info doesn‘t disappear when I agree with the use of cookies 🤷‍♂️

    any ideas?

    • R_P_M
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    I’m not sure if this is a false positive per say but it does seem to break Amazon browsing history. Some may say that’s the very definition of a tracker and you can’t really argue with that but someone might be using it and it can be turned off in an Amazon account.


    This is for multiple regions.

      • R_P_M
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Ha Ge Zi Strangely that page is only listing fls-na.amazon.com as the domain, even for other regions.

      • R_P_M
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Ha Ge Zi History is broken in iOS 15 Amazon app and website also (unable to test android app as it requires an android version higher than I have). It appears to not register new items rather than completely blank. 

      • R_P_M
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Ha Ge Zi Sounds like a good plan to me.  I definitely agree that it does need to be blocked for the more aggressive lists.

      Thanks for looking at it. 

      • R_P_M
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Ha Ge Zi No need to remove 


      Also fls domains seem to be still in the GitHub files. Not sure why as the white listing looks ok. Maybe it needs to be more specific? 


      • R_P_M
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Ha Ge Zi Another GitHub issue, oh boy. Hopefully it won’t be too long.

      Ah, a cname, should’ve remembered to think of that. NextDNS cname flattening hid it from the logs.

      Thanks for the info update. 

      • Pierre_Cartier
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Ha Ge Zi true history works fine in iOS 16 app.  

    • mima
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view


    eazy.de is blocked in Ultimate, it is a cable-internet-provider

    • mima
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Another one: account.rewe.de

    It is used for login by the REWE-App.

      • LazJedi
      • 1 yr ago
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      Ha Ge Zi Apparently, the website's competitors wanted it blacklisted. :D

    • mima
    • 1 yr ago
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    When using WOW (Sky streaming) App on tvOS I found nzdsqcybmv.trkcliq.com as a new entry in my logs. The site belongs to Amazon and I can block it without problems to the streaming service.

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