On fail-over NextDNS never tries to connect again, and stays on until restart

We use NextDNS through the client that we pushed out from Intune. Everything works great except after months of using it, we noticed that some devices stopped showing logs despite still being actively used.


We looked into it and found out that what was happening is that when a device is unable to reach the NextDNS IP (for whatever reason) it then fails over to This is normal behavior except that NextDNS never tries to connect again.

As long as the NextDNS service isn't restarted it will never even try to connect back with the NextDNS IP, and so that device will never show logs until it's restarted.


Is there any way to either set the fail-over DNS or maybe to setup NextDNS to keep trying to reconnect when on



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  • 8 mths agoLast active
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