NextDNS speed measurement


I'm new around here. I'm a little confused by the speed I'm getting in ping.nextdns.io and the real speeds I'm getting in my browser and operating system.

here is a snippet of the results I get in ping.nextdns.io:

  zepto-ams     1 ms
  vultr-ams     1 ms  (ultralow2)
■ anexia-ams    1 ms  (ultralow1)
  vultr-lon     5 ms
  zepto-bru     6 ms
  fusa-bru      6 ms
  zepto-fra     6 ms
  anexia-lon    7 ms
  vultr-fra     7 ms  (anycast2)
  zepto-lon     8 ms
  anexia-lux   15 ms
  zepto-sto    27 ms  (anycast1)

I'm living in iran with a good connection speed, connected to ProtonVPN free Amsterdam vpn and I get these results in ping.nextdns.io.

but when I try to load a webpage it takes considerably more time to load, out of curiosity I tried to measure the DNS lookup time and fortunately the browser devtools provide that information. In firefox I get around 700 to 1 second in DNS resolution (in devrools > network tab > Timings > DNS Resolution)

So my question is, is this normal for a user with a vpn? and why does the ping.nextdns.io page show such low (misleading?) speeds? What are other preferred ways to measure performance of NextDNS.

Btw I really appreciate the generous free tier, although I'm not anywhere near the limit. But I want to support you whenever I can 💙️.

1 reply

    • Leo
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Brigette.. actually it's not recommended to use other DNS services while using VPN for sure because VPN itself also have own DNS that have function to bypass the censorships as well (I realized that you came from Iran) and I don't know NextDNS also got blocked there or not (I believe that DOT got blocked in Iran as well .. ref : https://ooni.org/post/2020-iran-dot/ ). From the results that you show to us, it's successfully connected into Amsterdam Server which is I believe you already success to use NextDNS services but if NextDNS services got blocked, nothing you can do except using VPN own DNS

    the best place of speed measurements DNS is accessing popular sites like google, facebook, Instagram, etc. if there's significantly speed reduce, it must be come from DNS

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