How to identify devices through DNSCrypt?


How do you identify devices through DNSCrypt like you can with DoH & DoT?

4 replies

    • losnad
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    The DNSCrypt stamp provided by NextDNS translate as DoH, so if possible, you'll be better using the CLI, DoH or DoT.


      • user_89473
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Thank you and I agree. It's a NAS that only has DNSCrypt at the moment though without hacking something together. 

      As an workaround, I just created a new profile with only that device.

    • Bkmo
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    You need to insert your stamp from the setup page into the stamp calculator at https://dnscrypt.info/stamps/ Then change the path as /xxxxxx/yourdevicename xxxxx being your config. The stamp will automatically change to your edits. When done just copy and paste it as your dnscrypt stamp. This will give you the default DOH setup plus the advantage of the device being used in logs.

    • user_89473
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Just adding that that it will be in this DNSCrypt config file:


    Scroll to the bottom and that's where you'll add it:

    #            Static entries            #
    ## Optional, local, static list of additional servers
    ## Mostly useful for testing your own servers.
    [static.'NextDNS-unique ID here']
    stamp = 'sdns://unique stamp here'

    Also comment out everything in the Servers section so you'll only be using NextDNS and not rotating through different providers.

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