Wifi shows no connection when using NextDNS in Private DNS in Android

Hi there,

Our company has had a network upgrade today and this somehow broke my ability to connect to the internet on my phone. Whenever I connect to our company's wifi, it shows no internet. If I disable Private DNS, I can get internet connectivity just fine.

I'm not connected to a guest wifi and there is no captive portal or anything like that.

I tried to disable all the settings in my NextDNS settings page. Basically, any setting that is enabled, I disabled. I even removed any adblock list. However, this didn't fix the issue. I know some of you might suggest me to use the NextDNS app, but the question is why am I having this issue when using Private DNS? I much prefer using this method as opposed to using an app.



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  • 3 yrs agoLast active
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