Next DNS with Duckduckgo browser problem blocks

I ask for kind support: I'm using Next DNS on the mobile having put the value on private DNS, I added several filters but I notice that on Duckduckgo on app tracking protection I see that the counter does not update. Is this due to the fact that Next DNS blocks tracking at the source? Or does Next DNS conflict with the Duckduckgo browser? How can the Duckduckgo browser counter also work?

2 replies

    • Jeronimo
    • 16 hrs ago
    • Reported - view


    You actually give the answer yourself, NEXTDNS blocks tracking at the DNS level so the DuckDuckGo app can't count that information. actually, it's just right I guess because the dns qeury's doing its job very well?
    Do you put a lot of value on the DuckDuckGo app and the counter then?
    My iPhone and Safari also can't count those trackers very well either but I assume my filter choices help very well in this.  ;-)

    I think you shouldn't focus yourself on that counter of the DuckDuckGo browser honestly but if you really have the desire then you will have to adjust your filters

      • Lex.1
      • 15 hrs ago
      • Reported - view

       The thing is that if I use the Firefox browser if I put the AdGuard ADBlock, Ghostery, uBlock Origin, Privacy Badger extensions I notice that the counters detect blocks, so I can't understand why the Duckduckgo counter doesn't, do you know the possible reason for this difference?

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