great service

Olivier Poitrey thansk for such a great service. and agen sorry for bugging you trying to find out why isp showing weird thing. wantedto say thansk for great service and how you do security right. im going into cyber security in online college and in bs of it now and then master in cyber security. and how you took security now on twit network with leo and did everything he teaches to satay safe also i love this and done right only dns payed or free i know that did it right like thay teach thanks agen and hope see some new thing comming soon like new ad blocking list and so on and more security stuff. all we need now is antivirus built into this so can shut down virus stuff not just on pc but dns. thansk agen sorry bad spelling im a high spectrum autsium person thanks for such a great service thansk wanted to say this and love tech my self and probly dont get thanksed    



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