Block By=Pass Methods Does NOT block VPNs


Firwt, I will Reitrate you MUST update your software with a password protect so the software CANNOT be turned off.  Please, please, please - this can't be that hard!

Second, your By pass method does not block VPN access.  you can just go tot he Apple App Store and download any vpn and install it - your service does nothing to block it.  

Porn is such a scourge!  It should be illegal as far as I am concerned and you are on the front lines of helping to eradicate it.  I do like your serivice but if you really want to make families safe from this, you can do better.


1 reply

    • Calvin_Hobbes
    • 2 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Too bad they can’t make you a better parent.  I wish they’d remove all parental controls and make it a service for responsible people instead of trying to be your hired babysitter 

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  • 2 mths agoLast active
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