Lastpass blocked by NextDNS


NextDNS is not allowing me to reach Lastpass.com, the domain is whitelisted (*.lastpass.com) and not shown as blocked in the logs but both website and extension are not working when NextDNS is used.

When I change my DNS from NextDNS to or it works fine.

Same on my phone, Lastpass blocked on Wifi that is using NextDNS, switching over to 4G and it works.
I tried removing it from the whitelist and add it back but didn't help.

Any workaround for this?


3 replies

    • losnad
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    NextDNS does not block anything without enabled options. You can try with the default IP ( / ) or encrypted protocols without the profile ( dns.nextdns.io ).

    Check your log, something from your choices it is probably blocking one of this:




    • Daniel.6
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Thank you for the tips, I checked the blocked sites but didn't find anything related to it, I even cleared the logs to have an empty list and just tried to surf to lastpass.com. The site didn't work but nothing was blocked in the logs. I tried with the default IP's but that didn't work either, even when I switched to 4G on my phone. Strange is that since yesterday it does work, also with my profile. I didn't change anything on my router that is configured to use NextDNS with DoH with my profile. So not sure what changed, I didn't disable any options under Settings and have not added any other sites than lastpass.com in the whitelist. Will need to check further if it works on other locations I have configured in NextDNS. Thanks!

    • Daniel.6
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Found out that after disabling AdGuard Mobile Ads filter and AdGuard Tracking Protection filter it worked, also some blocking on Apple Store were fixed after I disabled these 2 lists. Strange is that these blocks were not shown in the logs. But works fine for a couple of days now.

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