Nextdns Threat intelligence feeds

Say if some threat intelligence feed used by NextDns is dead or not up to the mark as before, does Nextdns team take care of it ASAP and replace it with some other feed or in some way keep the quality of the entire threat feeds list up to the mark? 

2 replies

    • Sohan_Ray
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Woah...seems like no one knows an answer to this. Or maybe nextdns people are too busy. 

      • Siam_Mehedi
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Sohan Ray what they actually do is just add third party filter lists provided by others like phising army, as time passes, the feed will get bigger as they add in more filter lists(they probably do maintain their own feeds along with the third party lists just because they have their own filter lists in privacy tab), they remove the outdated or harsh filter lists and get rid of filter lists that mostly contains host names that are dead and not functional or know as urls that have been abandoned for getting away with being blocked

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