Recommendation: Multiple time periods for Recreation Time

First I must say I am a big fan of the service. I have been looking for something like this for my family for some time. I appreciate the privacy, lack of tracking etc, however really love the parental control functions for my 13 year old. One feature addition I would love would the ability to have several time periods within each day that you can add, for example; Sunday 8am - 10am and 6pm - 9pm.

Thanks much

11 replies

    • mihai
    • 3 yrs ago
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    • Ho_Zugi
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I would love to see this as well!  It would also make recreation times more useful if there was the ability to set recreation times that spans across midnight.  Rather than having the UI create a window for ALL recreation limited to each day of the week, maybe consider a UI that allows for adding custom windows of recreation time whereby you pick both the start time day of the week and start time and end day of the week and end time.


    • Recreation Time 1: FRI 6PM through SAT 3AM
    • Recreation Time 2: SAT 6PM through SUN 3AM

    This could probably be accomplished with just the above ability to add multiple recreation times for a single day, but would require setting up more recreation times:

    • Recreation Time 1: FRI 6PM through FRI 12AM
    • Recreation Time 2: SAT 12AM through SAT 3AM
    • Recreation Time 3: SAT 6PM through SAT 12AM
    • Recreation Time 4: SUN 12AM through SUN 3AM

    Additionally it would be really amazing to have this ability for each category (Social Networks, Porn, Gambling) AND each website (Youtube, Netflix, Fortnite, Twitter, etc).  That way a parent can ALWAYS keep Porn and Gambling blocked, but allow Fortnite and gaming and Social Networks during specific time windows.

    Another thing to consider would be doing the inverse, rather than setting recreation times, allow for block-out times when blocking occurs.


    • Block Youtube, Netflix, Fortnite from 11PM (prior day) to 6AM MON through FRI (weekdays) and 2AM to 6AM SAT and SUN (weekends)
    • Block Porn and Gambling ALWAYS
    • Block Social Networks from 12AM to 5AM weekdays (M,T,W,R,F) and weekends (SAT, SUN)
    • Yves_Geffens
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I'd like to vote for this too. Any way to have more than one timeslot/day  would be nice.

    • who
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Parental feature management via XMPP commands ;)

    • zshivji
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Please allow recreation time to be set between 00:01 and 11:59 PM.

    • xenstar
    • 1 yr ago
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    2 Year gone, no update.. It's a very useful feature. 

    • seanieb
    • 1 yr ago
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    I've held back recommending NextDNS for parents and tech addicted folks because this feature isn't very useful with it's basic time periods.  For very little engineering time I imagine this feature, fully imagined, would create a lucrative vertical for NextDNS.

    • David_Ferraz
    • 1 yr ago
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    ControlD has this feature for a long time. NextDns is kind of dead.

    • Paul_Cowen
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Yes I agree this would be a good idea. I'd also like to see it where you can add your own websites that are blocked outside the recreation window as when you add to the blocklist they are blocked at all times.  

    • Brad.5
    • 9 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Very much need this feature. Thanks!

    • Roberto_Villegas
    • 5 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Surprising it doesn't have this feature already. It is a must!! I hope they add it soon.

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