Device Name reported as "*" asterisk/star

Hello. Could anyone tell me what it means when a star/asterisk appear as the deviceName in test and logs? Other devices are mostly reported correctly, with occasional #ABC12 appearances.  The device is a Mac...

I have two devices running NextDNS CLI, both with the discovery DNS address (router) configured.

    "status": "ok",
    "protocol": "DOH",
    "profile": "REDACTED",
    "client": "69.79.yy.xx",
    "srcIP": "69.79.yy.xx",
    "destIP": "",
    "anycast": false,
    "server": "zepto-xrs-1",
    "clientName": "nextdns-cli",
    "deviceName": "*",
    "deviceID": "A12B1",
    "deviceIP": "",
    "deviceModel": "mac:14:9d:99"



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