Unidentified devices, what are and how to

Even if it is explained in «Analytics» (Unidentified devices Learn how to identify your devices on the Setup page.) and on the bottom of the «Setup» page I see it is still asked about it.

What are „Unidentified devices” in «Analytics» and «Logs» and how to „fix it”.

As the name implies it is one or more devices for each NextDNS does not have a name as NextDNS only see the IP from each the request is made unless you set a name to be sent.

You can't send a name if you use non encrypted protocol IPv4 (45.90.28.xx / 45.90.30.xx) or IPv6 (2a07:a8c0::xx:XXXX /2a07:a8c1::xx:xxxx). You should not use these if your device allows you to set DoH, DoT or DoQ. You can use the CLI on router to cover all the in-house devices.

As for the devices that you move around with, newer ones allow you to set encrypted DNS natively in the device settings or via another application.

If you use encrypted DNS but you didn't set up a device name it will also appear as „Unidentified devices”. 

DoQ quic://DeviceName-YourID.dns.nextdns.io

DoT tls://DeviceName-YourID.dns.nextdns.io

DoH https://dns.nextdns.io/YourID/DeviceName

Read the instructions from the «Setup» page.

Read the Knowledge Base https://help.nextdns.io/category/knowledge-base

Use the search function on help.nextdns.io , most questions have already been asked and probably answered.



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